Even A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day | May 7, 2022

Even A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day While central bankers are very smart, they are far from infallible. Throughout the history of central banks, policy errors are common. The choice central banks are making now is between focusing on core inflation (excluding food and energy). This allows food and energy inflation to run […]

Often Wrong, Never in Doubt | March 19, 2022

Often Wrong, Never in Doubt Economic projections are rarely easy and are most difficult when most needed. The Fed is forecasting an economic ‘soft landing’ (they NEVER forecast a recession!). The reactive Fed is now behind the curve – that is, reacting late to the inflationary surge, but it expects economic growth to continue unabated. […]

Commitment | May 22, 2021

Commitment In a bacon and egg sandwich, the difference between the chicken and the pig is that the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. Successful long-term investing requires commitment, not involvement. Market corrections, both minor and serious, occur with regularity. Following time-tested investment principles allows reason to rule over emotion. During difficult weeks […]