Don’t Count Your Chickens… | August 14, 2021

Don’t Count Your Chickens… There was a lot of talk about infrastructure this week and much of it was rather confusing. First the Senate passed the $1 trillion bi-partisan infrastructure bill, which addresses traditional infrastructure spending, like roads, bridges, broadband, community redevelopment, etc. That was followed shortly thereafter by passage of a $3.5 trillion budget […]

Palumbo: The infrastructure bill will be one of the next legs of inflation

CNBC Market Alert Interview Phil Palumbo, founder of Palumbo Wealth Management, says higher inflation is likely here to stay, not all of it will be transitory, and commodities will probably do well in that environment. Watch Here   Palumbo Wealth Management (PWM) is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or […]

Searching for Goldilocks | August 7, 2021

Searching for Goldilocks While we are currently at peak growth, there is no consensus about where we go from here. The bulls are getting bearish and vice versa. There is fear of growing too fast and incurring the wrath of the Fed with higher interest rates, which would pressure stocks. Likewise, there is fear of […]

The Bond Market Looks Confused | July 31, 2021

The Bond Market Looks Confused Market sentiment has been flip-flopping back and forth between inflation concerns and economic concerns. The very rapid economic recovery has outpaced a COVID constrained supply chain and caused price increases and inflation concerns. Now, the COVID acceleration and rising prices are beginning to slow demand (see the recent housing data) […]

Cross-Currents | July 17, 2021

Cross-Currents The post-pandemic world will be different. Cross-currents are everywhere and how this settles is anything but clear, but ultimately everything resolves and typically not at the extremes. The economy is recovering, but persistent government intervention continues to cause market distortions. This has led to excesses in markets and very high asset valuations. As portfolio […]

Why Are Government Bond Yields Declining? | July 10, 2021

Why are government bond yields declining? Is the new Delta Variant a threat to the global economic recovery? What should we expect from the upcoming earnings season? What we found to be most interesting, since Federal Reserve Chairman Powell spoke on June 16th, is government bond interest rates have been on a decline (please see […]

Asset Class Return Projections | July 3, 2021

Asset Class Return Projections The higher asset prices rise, the lower the expected return on an asset is. That sounds counter intuitive, but if assets rise to their true value, then the higher the price goes, the less upside there is left, i.e., expected returns are lower. This concept is important as many asset prices […]