A Taxing Situation

A Taxing Situation Everyone believes that they give more than enough to Uncle Sam and are reticent to voluntarily give any more. Quite often, we come across a situation where a client has an outsized position in one or several stocks and they won’t sell any because of the tax implications, even if the long […]

Trees Don’t Grow to the Sky | October 1, 2022

Trees Don’t Grow to the Sky We lead off this week with a confession. What follows is not original. We are paraphrasing a terrific report that came from the Federal Reserve earlier this month, titled “The coming long-run slowdown in corporate profit growth and stock returns”. The report very clearly highlights the longer-term impact of […]

A Few Key Updates About Required Minimum Distributions

RMD Roundup: A Few Key Updates About Required Minimum Distributions As we approach the end of 2021, now might be a good time to take a closer look at a few developments surrounding required minimum distributions (RMDs). What Are RMDs? Once you reach age 72, you are required to take minimum distributions from your traditional […]

How We Close Your Gaps | Philip Palumbo

How We Close Your Gaps | Philip Palumbo In today’s video, Phil Palumbo speaks to how his firm can meet all of your needs and close gaps that other advisors cannot. Please Click Here to view.   Palumbo Wealth Management (PWM) is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective […]

Taxes Are Headed Higher – Why You Shouldn’t Worry | May 1, 2021

Taxes Are Headed Higher – Why You Shouldn’t Worry Past tax increases have NOT been associated with slower economic growth or a weaker stock market. The effects of infrastructure spending will serve as an economic offset to tax increases. The final result is expected to be watered down form Biden’s aspirational proposal. Even the slimmest […]

Can the Infrastructure Lure finally Catch Some Funding? | March 20, 2021

Can the Infrastructure Lure finally Catch Some Funding? Infrastructure should be an easy bipartisan issue. How we pay for it is a big sticking point. Getting a bill passed will not be easy. There are few issues that have been discussed as consistently as infrastructure, but with no meaningful result. Most recently, infrastructure was a […]

Georgia Produces a Blue Ripple | January 9, 2021

Georgia Produces a Blue Ripple The Democrats have won both Senate seats which substantially changes the mathematics in Washington. The Senate is now a 50-50 split, with VP-Elect Harris the tie braking vote, but this is certainly not a carte blanche for Democrats. Much of the legislation listed below will require 60 Senate votes for […]