
About Face The governmental about-face on Bitcoin and crypto currencies in general has been quite astounding. The Biden administration had been a roadblock to general acceptance of Bitcoin, but that began to turn in 2023 as the Treasury Dept eased their stance against Bitcoin ETFs (which eventually started trading in early 2024). The governmental concern […]

Gold is Money, Everything Else is Credit.

Gold is Money, Everything Else is Credit. Gold’s traditional role in portfolios is as a haven in times of stress or perceived high risk on a shorter-term basis and longer term as an insurance policy against a decline in the value of the dollar. Gold’s recent run is interesting because it has come in the […]

Bitcoin is Back, With a Vengeance

Bitcoin is Back, With a Vengeance Bitcoin, the ‘nothing’ asset is back, and it continues to rally after a strong 2023, but still not quite at all-time highs. Many are focusing on this rally to argue for bitcoin as a legitimate asset, but there are better reasons for that consideration. Bitcoin is often promoted as […]

The Long and Short of Interest Rates | February 27, 2021

The Long and Short of Interest Rates When the week started, it appeared that short-term rates would be the ‘story of the week’ due to a planned drain of Treasury cash (See “Are Negative Rates Coming Despite Fed Opposition”, below.) However, on Thursday, long-term rates took center stage as the 10-year yield jumped from a […]