It Don’t Come Easy

It Don’t Come Easy We’ve been concerned that the Street’s view of AI has been a bit ‘one-sided’, that is, looking only at the benefits, and not focusing on the costs. That may have come to an end this week as AI had its first collision with reality when Meta offered weaker Q2 revenue guidance […]

TD Ameritrade Morning Trade Live Interview | August 8, 2022

(MSFT)(AAPL)(AMZN)(META) Relying on the Big Tech Giants With the current market heavily reliant upon big tech, how and when can investors jump in. Phil Palumbo talks about how investors can take advantage of the right opportunities. Tom White then demonstrates an example trade using shares of AAPL and MSFT. Please Click Here to Listen to […]

WARNING! Use Extreme Caution! | January 1, 2022

WARNING! Use Extreme Caution! “After two years of ‘up, up, up’ this must be a great time to be an advisor – it just doesn’t get much easier than this!” This theme was more common than expected as we exchanged holiday wishes with friends and clients. The reality is just the opposite. This environment is […]