The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Bet You Didn’t Know With all the attention on the stock market, we bet you didn’t know that over the last 5 years, gold has outperformed the S&P 500! The recent very strong performance of gold is very unusual. What’s driving this unusual occurrence?  We see it as: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly […]

A Brief History of Debt

A Brief History of Debt (and Why it Matters) The last few weeks have looked a lot like 2022, which was the worst year for the 60/40 portfolio since 1937. I could write a book detailing the missteps of Congress and the Fed that have led us here, but there isn’t time for that, so […]

The One to Watch

The One to Watch  In the face of ’no news’, we have seen a continuing rise in long term treasury bond rates (and decline in bond prices). This week, markets were squarely focused on the potential for this trend to continue that sent stock prices reeling once again, putting a crimp on diversified portfolios. So […]